moving pictures
Film and filming is our passion. And it has been since 2009. See for yourself!
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custom-made rigs for movie productions
We try to make the impossible possible. You might need a special rig design for a car chasing scene, some kind of rollover rig or any other custom-made rig that your usual equipment supplier cannot provide. In that case contact us and together we will work out the details and find a viable solution.
And if you need someone to operate your crane, gimbal or remotehead – give us a call! show more
custom-built equipment
Whether you’re looking for a gripcart, lightcart, tripod-cart, specific handles for your camera and focus device or any other individual equipment you can think of, as digital_infection customs we produce custom builds to your specifications that will make the daily grind on set so much more pleasant and comfortable – everything hand-made, of course. Having many years of experience working in the film industry ourselves we know exactly what is needed – and feasible!